Patent Law FAQ

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MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment (5)

Recording business name changes and mergers is crucial for maintaining an accurate chain of title for patents. MPEP 314 emphasizes this importance:

  • For name changes: Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.
  • For mergers: Documents of merger are also proper links in the chain of title.

Recording these changes ensures:

  1. The USPTO has up-to-date information on patent ownership
  2. Third parties can accurately identify the current patent owner
  3. The chain of title remains clear and unbroken, which can be important for future transactions or litigation
  4. Compliance with legal requirements for maintaining patent rights

While the MPEP section provided does not specifically address name changes, the process for recording a name change for patent matters with the USPTO is similar to recording other documents affecting title. Here are the general steps:

  1. Prepare a document evidencing the name change (e.g., a certificate of name change or merger document)
  2. Complete a cover sheet (Form PTO-1595 or equivalent) that includes:
    • The former name (in the space for the party conveying the interest)
    • The new name (in the space for the party receiving the interest)
    • A description of the interest conveyed as “Name Change”
    • Identification of the affected patents or applications
  3. Submit the document and cover sheet to the USPTO for recordation, along with any required fee
  4. The submission can be done electronically through EPAS, by mail, or by fax (subject to limitations)

As with other recorded documents, the USPTO will assign reel and frame numbers and add recordation stampings to the processed document.

It’s important to note that while this process records the name change, it does not update the assignee name in individual patent or application files. Separate requests may be needed to update assignee names in specific applications or patents.

According to MPEP 314, the following documents are recordable for name changes or mergers in patent ownership:

  • Certificates issued by appropriate authorities showing a change of name of a business
  • Certificates showing a merger of businesses

The MPEP states: Certificates issued by appropriate authorities showing a change of name of a business or a merger of businesses are recordable.

No, a mere change of business name does not constitute a change in legal entity for patent purposes. However, it is still an important part of the ownership record. As stated in MPEP 314:

Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.

This means that while the legal entity remains the same, the name change should be recorded to maintain an accurate chain of title for the patent.

According to MPEP 314, a mere change of business name does not constitute a change in legal entity for patent purposes. The MPEP states:

Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.

This means that while the legal entity remains the same, documenting the name change is still important for maintaining a clear chain of title for the patent.

To learn more:

MPEP 302 - Recording of Assignment Documents (1)

While the MPEP section provided does not specifically address name changes, the process for recording a name change for patent matters with the USPTO is similar to recording other documents affecting title. Here are the general steps:

  1. Prepare a document evidencing the name change (e.g., a certificate of name change or merger document)
  2. Complete a cover sheet (Form PTO-1595 or equivalent) that includes:
    • The former name (in the space for the party conveying the interest)
    • The new name (in the space for the party receiving the interest)
    • A description of the interest conveyed as “Name Change”
    • Identification of the affected patents or applications
  3. Submit the document and cover sheet to the USPTO for recordation, along with any required fee
  4. The submission can be done electronically through EPAS, by mail, or by fax (subject to limitations)

As with other recorded documents, the USPTO will assign reel and frame numbers and add recordation stampings to the processed document.

It’s important to note that while this process records the name change, it does not update the assignee name in individual patent or application files. Separate requests may be needed to update assignee names in specific applications or patents.

MPEP 314 - Certificates of Change of Name or of Merger (4)

Recording business name changes and mergers is crucial for maintaining an accurate chain of title for patents. MPEP 314 emphasizes this importance:

  • For name changes: Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.
  • For mergers: Documents of merger are also proper links in the chain of title.

Recording these changes ensures:

  1. The USPTO has up-to-date information on patent ownership
  2. Third parties can accurately identify the current patent owner
  3. The chain of title remains clear and unbroken, which can be important for future transactions or litigation
  4. Compliance with legal requirements for maintaining patent rights

According to MPEP 314, the following documents are recordable for name changes or mergers in patent ownership:

  • Certificates issued by appropriate authorities showing a change of name of a business
  • Certificates showing a merger of businesses

The MPEP states: Certificates issued by appropriate authorities showing a change of name of a business or a merger of businesses are recordable.

No, a mere change of business name does not constitute a change in legal entity for patent purposes. However, it is still an important part of the ownership record. As stated in MPEP 314:

Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.

This means that while the legal entity remains the same, the name change should be recorded to maintain an accurate chain of title for the patent.

According to MPEP 314, a mere change of business name does not constitute a change in legal entity for patent purposes. The MPEP states:

Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.

This means that while the legal entity remains the same, documenting the name change is still important for maintaining a clear chain of title for the patent.

To learn more:

Patent Law (5)

Recording business name changes and mergers is crucial for maintaining an accurate chain of title for patents. MPEP 314 emphasizes this importance:

  • For name changes: Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.
  • For mergers: Documents of merger are also proper links in the chain of title.

Recording these changes ensures:

  1. The USPTO has up-to-date information on patent ownership
  2. Third parties can accurately identify the current patent owner
  3. The chain of title remains clear and unbroken, which can be important for future transactions or litigation
  4. Compliance with legal requirements for maintaining patent rights

While the MPEP section provided does not specifically address name changes, the process for recording a name change for patent matters with the USPTO is similar to recording other documents affecting title. Here are the general steps:

  1. Prepare a document evidencing the name change (e.g., a certificate of name change or merger document)
  2. Complete a cover sheet (Form PTO-1595 or equivalent) that includes:
    • The former name (in the space for the party conveying the interest)
    • The new name (in the space for the party receiving the interest)
    • A description of the interest conveyed as “Name Change”
    • Identification of the affected patents or applications
  3. Submit the document and cover sheet to the USPTO for recordation, along with any required fee
  4. The submission can be done electronically through EPAS, by mail, or by fax (subject to limitations)

As with other recorded documents, the USPTO will assign reel and frame numbers and add recordation stampings to the processed document.

It’s important to note that while this process records the name change, it does not update the assignee name in individual patent or application files. Separate requests may be needed to update assignee names in specific applications or patents.

According to MPEP 314, the following documents are recordable for name changes or mergers in patent ownership:

  • Certificates issued by appropriate authorities showing a change of name of a business
  • Certificates showing a merger of businesses

The MPEP states: Certificates issued by appropriate authorities showing a change of name of a business or a merger of businesses are recordable.

No, a mere change of business name does not constitute a change in legal entity for patent purposes. However, it is still an important part of the ownership record. As stated in MPEP 314:

Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.

This means that while the legal entity remains the same, the name change should be recorded to maintain an accurate chain of title for the patent.

According to MPEP 314, a mere change of business name does not constitute a change in legal entity for patent purposes. The MPEP states:

Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.

This means that while the legal entity remains the same, documenting the name change is still important for maintaining a clear chain of title for the patent.

To learn more:

Patent Procedure (5)

Recording business name changes and mergers is crucial for maintaining an accurate chain of title for patents. MPEP 314 emphasizes this importance:

  • For name changes: Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.
  • For mergers: Documents of merger are also proper links in the chain of title.

Recording these changes ensures:

  1. The USPTO has up-to-date information on patent ownership
  2. Third parties can accurately identify the current patent owner
  3. The chain of title remains clear and unbroken, which can be important for future transactions or litigation
  4. Compliance with legal requirements for maintaining patent rights

While the MPEP section provided does not specifically address name changes, the process for recording a name change for patent matters with the USPTO is similar to recording other documents affecting title. Here are the general steps:

  1. Prepare a document evidencing the name change (e.g., a certificate of name change or merger document)
  2. Complete a cover sheet (Form PTO-1595 or equivalent) that includes:
    • The former name (in the space for the party conveying the interest)
    • The new name (in the space for the party receiving the interest)
    • A description of the interest conveyed as “Name Change”
    • Identification of the affected patents or applications
  3. Submit the document and cover sheet to the USPTO for recordation, along with any required fee
  4. The submission can be done electronically through EPAS, by mail, or by fax (subject to limitations)

As with other recorded documents, the USPTO will assign reel and frame numbers and add recordation stampings to the processed document.

It’s important to note that while this process records the name change, it does not update the assignee name in individual patent or application files. Separate requests may be needed to update assignee names in specific applications or patents.

According to MPEP 314, the following documents are recordable for name changes or mergers in patent ownership:

  • Certificates issued by appropriate authorities showing a change of name of a business
  • Certificates showing a merger of businesses

The MPEP states: Certificates issued by appropriate authorities showing a change of name of a business or a merger of businesses are recordable.

No, a mere change of business name does not constitute a change in legal entity for patent purposes. However, it is still an important part of the ownership record. As stated in MPEP 314:

Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.

This means that while the legal entity remains the same, the name change should be recorded to maintain an accurate chain of title for the patent.

According to MPEP 314, a mere change of business name does not constitute a change in legal entity for patent purposes. The MPEP states:

Although a mere change of name does not constitute a change in legal entity, it is properly a link in the chain of title.

This means that while the legal entity remains the same, documenting the name change is still important for maintaining a clear chain of title for the patent.

To learn more: