Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

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MPEP 130-Examination of Secrecy Order Cases (1)

As explained in MPEP 130, when a patent application under a Secrecy Order is in condition for allowance, “a notice of allowability (Form D-10) is issued, thus closing the prosecution.” See 37 CFR 5.3(c).

After the notice of allowability is issued, any amendments received are not entered or responded to until the Secrecy Order is rescinded. Once the Secrecy Order is rescinded, amendments will be entered if they are free from objections, otherwise they will be denied entry.

Patent Law (1)

As explained in MPEP 130, when a patent application under a Secrecy Order is in condition for allowance, “a notice of allowability (Form D-10) is issued, thus closing the prosecution.” See 37 CFR 5.3(c).

After the notice of allowability is issued, any amendments received are not entered or responded to until the Secrecy Order is rescinded. Once the Secrecy Order is rescinded, amendments will be entered if they are free from objections, otherwise they will be denied entry.