Patent Law FAQ

This FAQ answers all your questions about patent law, patent procedure, and the patent examination process.

Here’s the complete FAQ:

What is the significance of the Access Code on the Request to Retrieve Electronic Priority Application?

The Access Code on the Request to Retrieve Electronic Priority Application plays a crucial role in the priority document exchange process. The MPEP states:

‘The Request to Retrieve Electronic Priority Application must include the Access Code assigned to that application by the applicant or applicant’s representative.’

This Access Code is essential because it allows the USPTO to securely retrieve the priority document from the foreign office. Without the correct Access Code, the USPTO cannot access and retrieve the document, which could lead to issues with establishing priority for your application.

It’s important to ensure that the Access Code you provide on the Request form is accurate and matches the one assigned by the foreign office. Incorrect or missing Access Codes can result in delays or failures in retrieving the priority document, potentially affecting your patent application’s priority claim.