Patent Law FAQ

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MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority Claims (8)

An MPEP section may be marked as [Reserved] for several reasons:
  • The topic is not currently relevant but a section is being held for potential future use
  • The section was previously used but the content was moved elsewhere in the MPEP
  • The section is a placeholder to maintain a desired numbering scheme

The ‘[R-]’ notation after ‘MPEP 212 [Reserved]’ typically indicates that this section has been revised. However, in this case, since the section is reserved and empty, the ‘[R-]’ may be a placeholder for future revision dates. When a substantive revision occurs, a date is usually added after the ‘R’, such as ‘[R-10.2019]’ to indicate an October 2019 revision.

When an MPEP section is marked as [Reserved], it indicates that the section number exists but there is currently no content provided for that section. The MPEP states in section 212:

212 [Reserved] [R-]

The ‘[Reserved]’ designation in MPEP 212 indicates that this section is currently not in use but is being held for potential future content. It does not contain any specific information or guidance at this time.

Patent attorneys and examiners generally do not need to be concerned about ‘[Reserved]’ sections like MPEP 212. These sections contain no substantive information and do not affect current patent examination procedures. However, it’s good practice to stay informed about MPEP updates in case reserved sections are filled with new content in the future.

No, there is currently no content in MPEP 212. The section is marked as ‘[Reserved]’, which means it is empty and being held for potential future use.

The frequency with which ‘[Reserved]’ sections in the MPEP, like MPEP 212, are filled with content varies and depends on the needs of the USPTO. These sections may be filled during regular MPEP updates, which typically occur several times a year, or may remain reserved for extended periods.

Reserved sections are relatively common in the MPEP, especially for section numbers that are being held for future use or that previously contained content that was moved. A quick scan of the MPEP Chapter 200 shows several reserved sections, such as:

  • Section 203.07 [Reserved]
  • Sections 204-209 [Reserved]
  • Section 212 [Reserved]

MPEP 212 - [Reserved] (8)

An MPEP section may be marked as [Reserved] for several reasons:

  • The topic is not currently relevant but a section is being held for potential future use
  • The section was previously used but the content was moved elsewhere in the MPEP
  • The section is a placeholder to maintain a desired numbering scheme

The ‘[R-]’ notation after ‘MPEP 212 [Reserved]’ typically indicates that this section has been revised. However, in this case, since the section is reserved and empty, the ‘[R-]’ may be a placeholder for future revision dates. When a substantive revision occurs, a date is usually added after the ‘R’, such as ‘[R-10.2019]’ to indicate an October 2019 revision.

When an MPEP section is marked as [Reserved], it indicates that the section number exists but there is currently no content provided for that section. The MPEP states in section 212:

212 [Reserved] [R-]

The ‘[Reserved]’ designation in MPEP 212 indicates that this section is currently not in use but is being held for potential future content. It does not contain any specific information or guidance at this time.

Patent attorneys and examiners generally do not need to be concerned about ‘[Reserved]’ sections like MPEP 212. These sections contain no substantive information and do not affect current patent examination procedures. However, it’s good practice to stay informed about MPEP updates in case reserved sections are filled with new content in the future.

No, there is currently no content in MPEP 212. The section is marked as ‘[Reserved]’, which means it is empty and being held for potential future use.

The frequency with which ‘[Reserved]’ sections in the MPEP, like MPEP 212, are filled with content varies and depends on the needs of the USPTO. These sections may be filled during regular MPEP updates, which typically occur several times a year, or may remain reserved for extended periods.

Reserved sections are relatively common in the MPEP, especially for section numbers that are being held for future use or that previously contained content that was moved. A quick scan of the MPEP Chapter 200 shows several reserved sections, such as:

  • Section 203.07 [Reserved]
  • Sections 204-209 [Reserved]
  • Section 212 [Reserved]

Patent Law (8)

An MPEP section may be marked as [Reserved] for several reasons:

  • The topic is not currently relevant but a section is being held for potential future use
  • The section was previously used but the content was moved elsewhere in the MPEP
  • The section is a placeholder to maintain a desired numbering scheme

The ‘[R-]’ notation after ‘MPEP 212 [Reserved]’ typically indicates that this section has been revised. However, in this case, since the section is reserved and empty, the ‘[R-]’ may be a placeholder for future revision dates. When a substantive revision occurs, a date is usually added after the ‘R’, such as ‘[R-10.2019]’ to indicate an October 2019 revision.

When an MPEP section is marked as [Reserved], it indicates that the section number exists but there is currently no content provided for that section. The MPEP states in section 212:

212 [Reserved] [R-]

The ‘[Reserved]’ designation in MPEP 212 indicates that this section is currently not in use but is being held for potential future content. It does not contain any specific information or guidance at this time.

Patent attorneys and examiners generally do not need to be concerned about ‘[Reserved]’ sections like MPEP 212. These sections contain no substantive information and do not affect current patent examination procedures. However, it’s good practice to stay informed about MPEP updates in case reserved sections are filled with new content in the future.

No, there is currently no content in MPEP 212. The section is marked as ‘[Reserved]’, which means it is empty and being held for potential future use.

The frequency with which ‘[Reserved]’ sections in the MPEP, like MPEP 212, are filled with content varies and depends on the needs of the USPTO. These sections may be filled during regular MPEP updates, which typically occur several times a year, or may remain reserved for extended periods.

Reserved sections are relatively common in the MPEP, especially for section numbers that are being held for future use or that previously contained content that was moved. A quick scan of the MPEP Chapter 200 shows several reserved sections, such as:

  • Section 203.07 [Reserved]
  • Sections 204-209 [Reserved]
  • Section 212 [Reserved]

Patent Procedure (8)

An MPEP section may be marked as [Reserved] for several reasons:

  • The topic is not currently relevant but a section is being held for potential future use
  • The section was previously used but the content was moved elsewhere in the MPEP
  • The section is a placeholder to maintain a desired numbering scheme

The ‘[R-]’ notation after ‘MPEP 212 [Reserved]’ typically indicates that this section has been revised. However, in this case, since the section is reserved and empty, the ‘[R-]’ may be a placeholder for future revision dates. When a substantive revision occurs, a date is usually added after the ‘R’, such as ‘[R-10.2019]’ to indicate an October 2019 revision.

When an MPEP section is marked as [Reserved], it indicates that the section number exists but there is currently no content provided for that section. The MPEP states in section 212:

212 [Reserved] [R-]

The ‘[Reserved]’ designation in MPEP 212 indicates that this section is currently not in use but is being held for potential future content. It does not contain any specific information or guidance at this time.

Patent attorneys and examiners generally do not need to be concerned about ‘[Reserved]’ sections like MPEP 212. These sections contain no substantive information and do not affect current patent examination procedures. However, it’s good practice to stay informed about MPEP updates in case reserved sections are filled with new content in the future.

No, there is currently no content in MPEP 212. The section is marked as ‘[Reserved]’, which means it is empty and being held for potential future use.

The frequency with which ‘[Reserved]’ sections in the MPEP, like MPEP 212, are filled with content varies and depends on the needs of the USPTO. These sections may be filled during regular MPEP updates, which typically occur several times a year, or may remain reserved for extended periods.

Reserved sections are relatively common in the MPEP, especially for section numbers that are being held for future use or that previously contained content that was moved. A quick scan of the MPEP Chapter 200 shows several reserved sections, such as:

  • Section 203.07 [Reserved]
  • Sections 204-209 [Reserved]
  • Section 212 [Reserved]