Alternative Financing Using Your IP
Your patents are an investment.
Use them to finance your business.
We have "Skin in the Game"
When we provide financing, IP is the only collateral.
Our Process
Schedule your first phone call with us to discuss your business.
We'll finance your existing and future patents.
We'll help you build a portfolio of Investment-Grade patents.
Gain confidence that your startup will be worth more - and that you will be able to defend it.
How Patent Financing Works
We pay all of your patent costs, including attorney's fees and filing fees, allowing you to focus your capital on the rest of your startup. You don't have to take the risk of your patent even getting through the Patent Office - we will. And you don't have to worry that your patent is worthless - we'll insure it.
You pay for the patent when the patent issues.
How Patent Loans Work
Our patent loans are an insurance product. We write an insurance policy that pays off a lender, such as a bank. The insurance company takes the risk in the case of a default.
Our loan program is underwritten by a Lloyd's syndicate and requires (1) proven revenue and (2) investment-grade patents.
Why use BlueIron's patent financing?
You know you have good ideas, and that your startup needs to protect them. But filing a patent is expensive, and never guarantees that you'll ever see a return on that investment.
BlueIron is different. We put our money where our mouth is by investing in your ideas. Unlike conventional patent attorneys, we're not just looking to spin out another patent and collect payment. We're looking to come alongside you and make your patents the best they can be.
This unique model means we don't take on just anyone; we only do patents that have real commercial value. That also means you'll always get the honest truth from us.
You can learn more about BlueIron's methodology in founder Russ Krajec's book, "Investing In Patents."
Partner with someone who's invested in your success.
Your patents only have value if you are successful in bringing a profitable product to market. If the product fails in the marketplace, the patents are likely worthless.
Since that is our only collateral, we're literally in the business of making your startup successful. BlueIron’s interests are perfectly aligned with yours.